Support Tom
Freestyle River Boarding is a massive niche, and there’s been many times Tom has felt like an outsider; that what he was doing was too “different” or “quirky”. This has slowly morphed over the years as Tom has gained popularity and public appreciation for his out of the box approach to whitewater and Tom is incredibly thankful to everyone who has cheered him on, followed his journey, purchased a board and joined the crew.

Cheese Wave Ep 1
Cheese Wave Episode 1 - Tom paterson and his brother Jon have spent the last decade advancing the sport of Freestyle Riverboarding. In order to raise the bar higher once again, they are in pursuit of the perfect river wave. Episode One is the Paterson Bros Prologue, how they got started and how far they have come. Will they find the perfect wave?

Cheese Wave Episode 2
With the help of Benny Marr, the Paterson Brothers have a lead on a potential "perfect" wave. will they find it? can they surf it? Join Tom Paterson on his quest to land the True Frontflip.